Here at Baskin-Robbins, we are known for commemorating pivotal moments in American History. Our Lunar Cheesecake flavor is a great example of just that. Created in 1969, Lunar Cheesecake landed in stores the day after the first man landed on the moon to celebrate the accomplishment. This month, we bring the classic flavor back to select stores to celebrate this anniversary. The flavor includes a green and white cheesecake flavored ice cream with cheesecake bits- to relate to the fanciful belief that the moon is composed of cheese- all wrapped in a graham cracker ribbon.

This isn’t the first time we brought the flavor back into stores. In 2012, the flavor was reintroduced for a partnership with Men in Black III as the characters take a trip to the moon. In 2015, we brought the flavor back again to celebrate our 70th birthday. Don’t miss your chance to give this classic flavor a try! Stop by your local Baskin-Robbins and pick some up today.
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